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How To Write SEO-Optimised Content

The goal of SEO-optimised content is to raise your website’s search engine ranking for particular search terms. When creating content for search engines, you should prioritise providing users with useful information while also optimising your writing with keywords and key phrases.

However, it’s crucial to avoid stuffing your content with too many keywords, as this can lead to penalties and disrupt its natural flow.

Do some research on your subject

You must be knowledgeable about the subject if you hope to respond to inquiries from your audience. Readers who have found the solution to their query in your piece may end up becoming devoted followers. You should investigate not just your subject but also your rivals. What suits them and what questions do their audiences have for them? You will be able to organise your content with key headings once you begin researching the subject you have selected.

Use good and strong headings

An intriguing headline will grab readers’ interest and draw them in. There’s not much time to make a lasting impression, so the heading must work hard. Having a compelling headline will raise the click-through rate.  The H1 tag title and the meta title are the two titles you will have for your content. A meta title presents your content to potential readers while appearing in search results, while the H1 title tag is used for on-page SEO.

A good Meta-description 

What searchers see beneath your page title in search engine results is called the meta description. You should only use 140–160 characters because you don’t want any of your words to end in the middle of a sentence. A meta description provides audiences with an idea of what to expect when they click through to the page by accurately describing its contents. Additionally, they assist in explaining the subject matter and the recurring usage patterns of your targeted keywords and phrases in the content to search engines and users.

Good content structure

Readability and search engine optimisation both depend on having a solid structure. Nobody enjoys reading blog posts with sentences that go on and on without any breaks. The search engines also don’t. Your content should be divided into paragraphs with distinct subheadings. Try presenting your material in a different way, such as with tables or lists of bullet points.

 Links in your content

Search engines benefit from links. Google occasionally finds pages by clicking on a link from a reliable website. Internal links direct visitors to other pertinent content and aid in website navigation.

 By using external links, you can give your audience access to additional information about your topic that is not on your website but still piques their interest. Links to dubious websites or outdated material, however, will do more harm than good.


Images can help break up your content and make it easier for audiences to absorb the important information, whether you want to include an infographic or a product photograph. It will also demonstrate your expertise and strengthen your credibility. Including alt text for images or videos on your website pages can also help search engines like Google rank them, which will drive more traffic to your site.

 Regular content creation 

Adding fresh content on a regular basis will help your search engine optimisation strategy. Your next writing may stem from an analysis of your current data to determine which goods/services or areas require improvement. Examine metrics like bounce rate and average time on site to determine what your audience finds engaging and what is most effective for you.